Friday, May 27, 2011

A healthy diet

With Josiah starting solids, we're aiming at a bit more healthier eating... You can tell who is thrilled...

Spinach Smoothies

Josiah: "Ooooh....vat es dis?"

Josiah: "I shall hafta taste this beautiful drink...."
Daniel: "What if he drinks it all?!"

Come on, Dad! Tip the glass.  Then you won't have to drink it all!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A quick jaunt

We just took a quick walk over to Target.  Guess it was enough to wear Siah out. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

My sweet potato

Mom?  What kind of adventure is this?

What do we have here?

Slippery little thing, isn't it?

What is this thing?!?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day. 
Though it'll be a few years before the homemade card, a cute little guy made it a special day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A rainy day needs a good book

As Josiah gets more alert, it's becoming so much fun to show him things.  Books are a favorite of his. 
Dad!  Have you read this book?

Whoa, check out that tiger! 

It's pretty amazing seeing God's glory as we are in the midst of this adventure called parenthood.  True, we still haven't figured out a nap time schedule or how to get places on time without forgetting things like a diaper bag, but it's an adventure nonetheless.  There's something to be said for first-time parents....they are acutely aware of their need for wisdom, especially when they leave the baby instruction book at the hospital.  What a good thing it is that God is Father and is so generous to give us exactly what we need: Him.  I'm sure we'll figure out a routine about the time that Josiah decides to change it. 
 But for now, we depend on God and hang on tight.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Oooh!  Mom's got the camera!

Hey, mom....wanna see my newest stunt? Guaranteed to knock your socks off!

First, survey the landscape...

Second, tuck chin...
Third, execute roll....

Ta da!  What do you think?