Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of milk!

So, I thought up another story for you mom...

Don't get scared though, ok?

Once upon a time there was a beautiful Queen, an adorable prince...

That's me...hee hee...and a big ugly pirate!  Do you know what the pirate did?

He STOLE the prince's bottle of milk!!!

Can you believe it?

Heh, heh...don't worry.  The Daddy King caught the pirate and made him change the prince's diaper...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Silver Dollar City

Daddy helped Siah.

At the train station waiting for the only ride Siah went on.

Checkin out the view from the train window.

Daddy?  That hillbilly is talking to me...

Finally!  Now Daddy knows how it feels to be my size!

Our first family vacation took us to Branson, Mo. to Silver Dollar City.  
We had a great time, even though it was hot! 

Hangin' with dad

One of the things I love about Daniel is his willingness to play with Josiah after a long day at work.  It gives me a break to make dinner, and it makes me laugh to see what they do for entertainment.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Once upon a time

Hey, mom.  I'm just helping dad with his summer staff stuff.  Pretty interesting stuff...

Whoa!  What was that?

I think it was a giant elephant walking by our window? 

Heh, heh, that's silly, isn't it? 

But if it was an elephant, that would have been fun, huh?

Dad and I thought it would make you smile. 

Didn't we, Daddy?

I love you, Dad.

Sigh.  I love my boys.

Some help here?

Josiah is starting to learn how to sit up on his own.  Sorta. 
Uh, mom?  If you could put the camera down, I could really use some help here.