This Christmas season, we listened to Andrew Peterson's Christmas cd so often that Josiah learned most of the words to "Behold the Lamb".
Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away our sin
Behold the Lamb of God
the life and light of men
Behold the Lamb of God
who died and rose again
Behold the Lamb of God
who comes to take away our sin.
When your two-year-old walks around the house singing this, asks for it to be sung every night before bed, and requests it during the day to sing along with, it's not hard to have it constantly running through your head. Not a bad thing at all.
In the midst of a nation that doesn't recognize the holiday as much more than a western commercial holiday, He came to take away our sin.
In a country that is spiritually dark: temples on every street, altars in most homes, and people walking around trying to make sense out of life,
He is the life and light of men.
In a heart that is easily trapped by the old self and totally without hope or joy,
He died and rose again.
In a small apartment on the 11th floor surrounded by 2 million people, one family celebrated that
He came.