We are still adjusting to life in our new apartment as well as life in general here in Taiwan.
However, it's helpful to see some progress. Last week we made headway in Josiah's room. He no longer has to sleep on a pallet in our room, which means we don't have to worry about him crawling away in the middle of the night! Here are some before and after pictures. Not bad for less that $10 US!
The day we moved in. Bed, table, and chair. No room to play. |
Family project. Siah always claims the broom. |
Desk from other bedroom transformed into dresser and changing table. Floor tiles to be the bulletin board. |
Turn the twin bed, put the mattress on the floor, add a Siah container, and still have room for a comfy play-nook. |
Curtains from the nursery back home, foam tiles to help reduce bruises from crashing off the bed, cleaning off years of dirt and dust from the mini-blinds, and we're done! |
Nicely done! Pretty cool that you found matching foam squares...