Sunday, September 2, 2012

I love my husband

My husband is amazing. 
He takes fantastic care of his family.
And since he's the only one right now that can communicate with anyone, he pays the bills, answers the phone, arranges transportation, fills the car, orders our meals, scouts out adventures, buys our clothing, and takes out the trash. 
That's in addition to playing with his kids, taking out the trash, occasionally preaching, leading the youth group at church, supporting his emotional wife, rearranging furniture, translating for the church service, climbing mountains...and working a full time job. 
There's a ton of other amazing things about him too: 
He eats stinky tofu. 
He's a lover of words and is a formidable foe across the scrabble board. 
He loves being a daddy and is really good at it. 
But recently, it wasn't just me that noticed how amazing my Daniel is. 
Apparently, he's good-looking enough to represent his company. 

I'm just glad I have the real one....


  1. Amazing! That's what comes to mind when I read this post about Daniel. : ) What a blessing he is to you and the kids!

  2. Yay post! And I'm glad Daniel took out the trash twice. :D Hope y'all are doing well.
