Saturday, March 5, 2011

Of Bible Heroes and Such

Heard a great talk recently that referenced our Sunday School Bible Heroes and challenged me to dwell on why it is exciting to tell these stories to children.  I love teaching our Sunday School now, partly because it puts it freshly in front of me that our God is so big and powerful and nothing thwarts Him.


So, even though he's only four months (!) I've started telling Josiah these stories.  It helps to keep perspective on life...knowing that the same God who conquered big armies with a little tiny army can conquer any struggle in my heart.  The same God that Daniel trusted in the lion's den is the God that I trust with my day.  And when Mary treasured things up in her heart...I think she was wise to do so.  Particularly since Jesus was a perfect child. 
In the stories, it's crucial to keep God as the hero. So, I sing to Josiah...
Only a boy named David..and a really big powerful God.
Only a little sling...which God taught him how to use by killing lions.
Only a boy named David...and a really big powerful God
but he could pray and sing...which he did to this amazing powerful God...
It's a little awkward in the meter...and the music doesn't quite fit, but Josiah seems to love it.  
I intend to keep telling him the story til he can tell it back to me.  
"K, Mom.  I'm hearing it straight from the source."   
I'll read it with you, Dad.

Ok, how did that story go?

Oh, got it.  Ready, mom?

"Let my people go!"

Was that what he said?

I'm having trouble remembering it right...

Hmmm.  Better stay awake better next time with Daddy.

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